14 dezembro, 2015

To all my friends!

I wrote this text in order to send to a travel website which accepts collaborations. However, I don't think it's good enough, so I decided publishing on my blog :) Hope my friends from Brazil enjoy the challenge of reading in English, and my friends around the world enjoy getting to know me a bit better through my thoughts posted in this text.

Escrevi esse texto pois pretendia enviar como colaboração para um site de viagens, mas desisti por não achar que está bom o suficiente. Como estou com preguiça de traduzir, resolvi postar aqui. Espero que meus amigos tenham uma boa leitura. 

For some unknown reason in my life I’ve never stayed in touch with my old friends on a daily basis. When I was teenager I moved to a new city with my family for the first time – it was when I felt like I was born to travel. Although the homesickness and the fear of leaving everything behind were there, the feeling of discovering a new world with different people to share ideas and different places to get to know was stronger. Now I know I am the kind of person who is fascinated with changes and all challenges that come in the “combo package” of travelling. The feeling of conquering a new space in a new workplace and new friends has always been a motivation for me to move on happily with my changes. After all, our planet moves constantly, so why not feeling grateful and excited considering that our world changes every day, every moment?

I’ve lived in five different cities so far - in three different countries for different purposes. In all these experiences I made new friends. I did not always succeed when it comes to make friendship last though. However, I have always tried to keep in touch with my special friends in many ways, for example: sending text messages once in a while, emailing with a long and non-exhaustive text (sometimes exhaustive, I confess) about my current life, commenting on photos from our past shared on social network – thank you technology for helping us keep in touch.

Knowing different people in my trips is the best part of travelling, but there are not only happy moments. Sometimes it hurts. Saying goodbye to a friend is not worse than spending the last days doing the “last things” together when one is leaving the country. The thoughts that you will no longer live your daily life with this person are present and constant every day. I have done that so many times that I lost count. I was that person two times, saying good bye to my favorite spots in town and to my friends I had to leave behind. It’s scary I would say. But I learned that no matter the distance is, good friends are always going to be in our hearts.

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